Our mission is to provide a ray of hope to the homeless children of Broward County and their parents – to show that “someone cares” - and also provide a day of fun and frolic.
What is Christmas in July?

In the last 22 years Christmas in July, Inc. ("CIJ") has served over 55,000 children! Amazing as that is, consider that this figure excludes the homeless children we provide for after natural disasters across Florida and in the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Haiti and St. Vincent. No child shall be left behind.
Every year since 2001, we have held our annual Christmas in July event. Christmas in July is a personalized program that focuses on providing new necessities for these homeless children from newborns through age 18. As part of the event, we gather the names, ages, and sizes of as many homeless kids in the county that we can by calling shelters, contacting schools, searching under overpasses, etc. We then put together “Back to School” book bags with new clothes, school supplies, toiletries, and if we can, a book and/or toy. The personalized book bags are then distributed to the children at an event held at a local facility where food and entertainment are also provided for these families to enjoy. We typically have over 1,000 kids attend the event with their parents where they are treated to a day of fun filled with bounce houses, characters, video game playing, health check-ups, haircuts, and entertainment.
Every year since 2001, we have held our annual Christmas in July event. Christmas in July is a personalized program that focuses on providing new necessities for these homeless children from newborns through age 18. As part of the event, we gather the names, ages, and sizes of as many homeless kids in the county that we can by calling shelters, contacting schools, searching under overpasses, etc. We then put together “Back to School” book bags with new clothes, school supplies, toiletries, and if we can, a book and/or toy. The personalized book bags are then distributed to the children at an event held at a local facility where food and entertainment are also provided for these families to enjoy. We typically have over 1,000 kids attend the event with their parents where they are treated to a day of fun filled with bounce houses, characters, video game playing, health check-ups, haircuts, and entertainment.
Planning for our 2024 event is underway! And we need your help!
Over the past few years, there have been over 5500 homeless children annually in the Broward County school system. The pandemic continues to impact many families' financial security which has resulted in record numbers of homeless children in Broward County. Our goal is to assist as many of these children as we can, which cannot be done without the support of the community.
The success of this project is driven by donations from institutions, businesses, community groups and individuals in the South Florida community and around the nation.
Our supporters are happy to serve or donate because they know that 100% of proceeds go towards helping these children. So join us and give today.
The success of this project is driven by donations from institutions, businesses, community groups and individuals in the South Florida community and around the nation.
Our supporters are happy to serve or donate because they know that 100% of proceeds go towards helping these children. So join us and give today.
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Purchase and Donate Specific Items for a Homeless Child |
Some members of Florida Kiwanis Division 23 participating in sorting and packing
Some members of Florida Kiwanis Division 24 participating in sorting and packing
Some Pictures of the deliveries to the shelters and facilities